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Tag: Fr Albert Jacobse MHM

Krismas Yang Tidak Dapat Dilupakan

Ia mungkin pada awal bulan Disember apabila Diana, orang kanan dan kiri saya dalam kerja bersama kerasulan kepada para pendatang, mengatur rancangan bersama saya untuk mendengar pengakuan dosa para pendatang di Sejingkat, sebuah kawasan perindustrian di pinggiran Kuching.



A Christmas Not to Forget

It must have been sometime in the beginning of that December when Diana, my right and left hand in working with the apostolate to the migrants, made arrangements with me to hear confessions of the migrants in Sejingkat, an industrial area at the outskirts of Kuching.

The Kuching Mill Hill Family attends retreat on mission and conversion in mission

On 9 November, the Kuching Mill Hill Family held a retreat cum meeting at Greccio Retreat Center with Father Albert Jacobse and Father Philip Obaso.

GROWTH celebrates Palm Sunday with first Holy Communion for 2 boys

KUCHING — St. Joseph's Cathedral celebrated Palm Sunday with GROWTH ( the apostolate to our less able members ) in the Chapel of the ACCPC.

Visiting Long San: A short journey along memory lane

We had left early that morning to take the plane from Kuching to Miri where at 11 am we caught the plane to Long San via a stop over in Marudi. All in all...