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Tag: Fr Adrian Kho

174 kanak-kanak, 82 guru Sekolah Minggu sertai ‘Kids Camp’ Paroki Holy Spirit

‘Kids Camp’ Paroki Holy Spirit telah diadakan di Gereja St Felix Biawak di sini pada 30 November 2024. Ia menarik penyertaan seramai 174...

64 kanak-kanak dan remaja, termasuk 22 calon baptis, terima Komuni Kudus Pertama

Misa Kudus Khas untuk meraikan penerimaan Komuni Kudus Pertama oleh 64 kanak-kanak dan remaja, termasuk 22 calon baptis, telah berlangsung...

All Souls Day at Holy Spirit Parish Lundu

On All Souls Day 2024, parish priest Fr Adrian Kho celebrated Holy Mass with blessing of the Catholic cemeteries at the four Churches...

Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit

On 8 September 2024, parishioners packed the Holy Spirit Church to share the joy of 160 members of the parish who received their seal of Confirmation.

Paroki anjur Perhimpunan Paska mesra alam sekitar

Gereja Holy Spirit mengadakan Perhimpunan Paska pada 11 April lalu untuk menyambut Paska sebagai sebuah paroki...

Parish holds environmentally-friendly Easter Gathering

Holy Spirit Church held its Easter Gathering on 11 April (Thursday) to celebrate Easter as a parish. The occasion began with the...