Tag: First Holy Communion
Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist
Over the weekend (4–5 May), 16 children from the Faith Formation of Children at St Peter's Church underwent a comprehensive yet fun...
14 sambut Sakramen Komuni Pertama
Seramai 14 orang calon yang terdiri daripada kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan selamat menerima Sakramen Komuni Pertama pada 10 Disember...
First Holy Communion students told the importance of Confession, Sunday Mass and Holy Communion
75 Sunday School students from Blessed Sacrament Church (English Session) received their First Holy Communion (FHC) at a Mass celebrated...
Holy Trinity English Sunday School ends Year 2023 with Baptism and First Holy Communion
The last day of the English Sunday School classes in Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang ended with Baptism and First Holy Communion.
Hadiah terbaik bagi anak yang menerima Komuni Pertama
Seorang anak yang menerima hadiah ini pada Komuni Pertama mereka diharap akan menghargainya selama-lamanya.
This is the best gift on a child’s First Communion
What is the best gift a child could received on their First Communion? Is it a new toy, shiny new Bible or a fancy necklace?