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Busy working mom promotes praying rosary daily ‘One Hail Mary at a Time’

She's raising seven children while managing a household, marriage and high-energy career in banking. It's no wonder Kristin Reilly considers prayer - more specifically the rosary - her life raft.

Anda dialu-alukan!

Pada Khamis Suci yang lalu, saya meraikan upacara membasuh kali di Pusat Latihan Belia Montfort di Sabah. ...

Prayer and St Teresa of Avila

The journey of spiritual perfection demands self and spiritual transformation and all who are called to this journey, desire to walk in the path of holiness, and sanctify their lives by living in faith, hope and love, in the spirit of the Beatitudes. 15 October is the Feast of St Teresa of Avila (1515-1582).

Blessing of newly rebuilt Carmelite Monastery

KUCHING — The Feast of Assumption 2018 will always be a memorable day for the Carmelite nuns of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Carmelite Monastery as they ‘returned to their beloved earthly abode’ after...

St Peter’s Columbarium: the first Catholic columbarium in Sarawak

KUCHING — The blessing and ground breaking ceremony by Archbishop Simon Poh for the construction of the Columbarium at St Peter’s Church took place on 5 December 2017. About 50 people consisting of consultants,...

Fundraising dinner for rebuilding of Carmelite Monastery a success

KUCHING — A total amount of RM513,870.04 was presented to the Carmelite nuns of the Carmelite Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on 16 December. Out of the sum presented, RM213,870.04 came from...
