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Tag: Feast of St Joseph



St Joseph’s Cathedral commemorates 55th Parish Feast Day with Holy Mass

St Joseph’s Cathedral, Kuching, commemorated her 55th Parish Feast Day on the Solemnity of St Joseph. The Holy Mass was...

Hari Raya St Joseph: ‘Sambutan berganda’ di Katedral

Pada 19 Mac 2023, Katedral St Joseph (SJC) memperingati Hari Raya Paroki pada Misa 5.00 petang Ahad di katedral yang dipimpin oleh Uskup...


圣若瑟总主教座堂于 3月19日傍晚五时的主日弥撒中纪念堂区主保庆日,弥撒由傅云生总主教主祭,黄伟乾神父、高尔文·龚邦神父和马尔谷·邦卓神父共祭。

Feast of St Joseph: ‘Double celebration’ at Cathedral

On 19 March 2023, St Joseph’s Cathedral (SJC) commemorated her Parish Feast Day during the 5.00 pm Sunday evening Mass at the Cathedral...

Father of Jesus – A Lent Special

In conjunction with St Joseph’s feast day on 19 March 2021, Empowered Youth Ministry has organised their first Facebook Live session.
