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Cardinal Bo bids farewell: ‘We have forged a legacy’

Myanmar's Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon has issued a farewell message as he concludes his second three-year term as the President...

ECMI annual conference focuses on migrants and collaboration

The Episcopal Commission for Migrant and Itinerant (ECMI) held its annual conference from August 5 to 7. It was hosted by the Archdiocese...

Asian bishops convene in Bangkok to forge path for synodal missionary church

The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) held a three-day meeting in Bangkok from August 5 to 8, focusing on fostering a...

Bengkel Penterjemahan Sastera Pastoral berakhir di Bangkok

Pejabat Komunikasi Sosial Persekutuan Persidangan Uskup Asia (FABC) berjaya menamatkan Bengkel Terjemahan Sastera Pastoral yang diadakan...

2024年5月FABC – OTC會議的古晉之行


Office of Theological Concerns meets in Kuching

At the invitation of Archbishop Simon Poh of Kuching, the FABC-OTC (Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences – Office of Theological...
