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Tag: Evangelisation

Cardinal Tagle: An encounter with the Lord is always missionary

World Mission Day 2021, with the theme “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard”, will be celebrated throughout the Church this Sunday, October 24th.

Pope’s prayer intention for August: Church on the way

In his video message for his prayer intention for August, Pope Francis reminds the faithful that “the vocation of the Church is evangelization,” and even more, “the Church’s identity is evangelization.”

Singapore Church marks 200 years of evangelization

The theme for the bicentenary celebrations, “Ignite and Shine with Faith”, invites all Catholics to join hands in forming a more vibrant, evangelizing and missionary Church.



Hari Minggu Misi Sedunia 2020

Gereja Sejagat meraikan Hari Minggu Misi Sedunia pada setiap Hari Minggu kedua terakhir pada bulan Oktober setiap tahun, dan pada tahun ini, ia akan diraikan pada 18 Oktober 2020.

World Mission Sunday 2020

The Universal Church celebrates the World Mission Sunday on every second last Sunday in October every year and this year it will be celebrated on 18 October 2020.
