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Pope hears confessions in the park at WYD

MADRID — Pope Benedict XVI began his third day in Madrid by hearing confessions in one of 200 portable confessionals set up in a park for World Youth Day pilgrims. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican...

St Peter’s youths learn about Africa

KUCHING — On Sunday, 17 July, two young impressionable men joined St Peter’s Youth. They had both flown in from Africa to assist Fr Francis Teo to talk to the youths about their mission...

How to have a ‘revivifying’ vacation: The Pope’s advice

By Kris Dmytrenko The so-called staycation is becoming a popular option for many. It’s considerably more affordable to spend a week off in your own home, enjoying cultural activities you’ve never made time for or...

Students reach out to children and youths with disabilities on Gawai

KUCHING — In conjunction with the Gawai Dayak Harvest Festival, the Kuching Young Christian Students (KYCS) took part in a Gawai Food Parcel Project. This Community Rehabilitation Project, initiated by the group “Meeting Needs”...

Taize Prayer Evening at Holy Trinity Church

KUCHING — On 26 September, about 40 youths and parents attended the Taize Prayer Evening which was held at Holy Trinity Parish hall for the first time. The event was jointly organised by the...

A Tribute to Priests

Pope Benedict XVI declared a “Year for Priests” beginning with the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 19 June 2009, which concluded in Rome with an international gathering of priests with...