Tag: Eng
Celebrating the Foundress of Discalced Carmelites, St Teresa of Avila
Celebration at Miri Carmel of the
5th Centenary of the birth of St Teresa of Jesus
1515 – 28th March – 2015
"I was born for You Lord, what do You want of me?" - St Teresa
On synod’s eve, Vatican official declares his homosexuality
On the eve of the start of the Synod of Bishops on the family, a Polish monsignor who works in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the...
Question Corner: Giving more than one Host to a communicant
Q: Is it ever permitted to give a communicant more than one Eucharistic host at a time? The question arose because when taking Communion to the sick in a nursing home, sometimes one of...
Church, NGOs part of US Bishops’ itinerary to Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR — From Penang, the delegation from the US Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) went to KL. On August 11, they met with Archbishop Julian Leow, some members of the clergy and other...
Sabah Christians “Walk for Jesus”
KOTA KINABALU — The Walk for Jesus, a bi-annual event organised by the Prison Fellowship Malaysia and co-organised by the Sabah Council of Churches, has through the years brought Christians from all backgrounds to...
Carmelite Prioress: Mother Mary was responsible for my vocation
MIRI — “I entered the Order of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in 1987, after working for five years as a primary school teacher” said Mother Mary Philomena, prioress of the Carmelite Monastery in Miri.