Tag: Eng
A tribute to the late Fr Leonardo Polinar
KUCHING — Emmaus Servant Community of Blessed Sacrament Parish recently mourned the loss of their founder and spiritual father, Fr Leonardo Polinar who passed away in Manila, Philippines on Tuesday, 25 September.
A visit to DUN Complex to create social awareness
The Social and Political Awareness Ministry (SAPAM) of Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) organised a trip to visit the spectacular Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Complex at Petra Jaya on October 20.
I Will Sing Forever: A liturgical music workshop
KUCHING — The Catholic Sacred Music Ministry recently organised a weekend Liturgical Music Workshop at Blessed Sacrament Church Hall, BDC.
St Peter’s Parish aims to become an ecological parish
KUCHING — St Peter's Church, Padungan is looking forward to making the parish an ecological parish, a member of the parish Creation Justice (CJ) team told Today's Catholic.
Christmas Charity Bazaar and Run for the elderly poor
KUCHING — Catholic Welfare Services Council Sarawak (CWS) is organising a charity bazaar and run on Saturday, 15December to raise funds in aid of the operations and maintenance costs for the ‘Home of Peace’ elderly poor and needy.
Nurses congregated for their 20th World Congress in Kuching
The International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medical Social Assistants (CICIAMS) held its 20th World Congress in Kuching from 4 to 7 September, hosted by the Catholic Nurses Guild of Malaysia.