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Tag: Empowered Ministry

Toxic Christianity – The reality and the truth

Have we not paid enough attention attending to the issues pertaining to what is happening within our church community and the one holy Catholic and apostolic Church?

Let’s Talk Grief

EMPOWERED conducted a Facebook Live Session on 27 August 2021, featuring Claudia Law and Ralph Balan as speakers and Emmanuel Foong as host to discuss on GRIEF and what God desires for us.

IG LIVE: A biblical Walk Through the Mass

EMPOWERED Ministry organised an IG Live Session on 6 August 2021 to discuss the many questions posed by participants.

Discovering the Mass through A Biblical Walk Through the Mass

The EMPOWERED Ministry conducted a series of sessions on the Mass to gain a deeper understanding on the richness of the Mass and to be able to participate more fully.

One Christ, One Body

A Virtual Youth Prayer Conference—K.A.M.I. KUDUS! (Kerana.Allah.Mengasihi.I. KUDUS!) was organised by the Archdiocesan Single Adults & Youth Office, Kuala Lumpur (ASAYO KL).

Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!

In the joy of Easter, EMPOWERED organised an IG Live Session on 7 May 2021 featuring guest speaker Fr Stanley Goh, SJ and hosts Brian Chin and Francis Davin from EMPOWERED.