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Tag: Ecology

Merayakan Ciptaan Tuhan, ‘Pingirami Pinampa Tampa’

Dalam usaha menjaga tempat tinggal kita yang umum (Common Home), Paroki St Jude di Bunan-Tebedu telah berhimpun untuk meraikan ‘Eco-Week’...

Celebration of God’s Creation “Pingirami Pinampa Tampa”

In Care of our Common Home, St Jude's Parish Bunan-Tebedu came together to commit and to celebrate Eco-Week from 1 to 6 April 2024.

ArchKL launches PROTEC campaign

The World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and the launch of Year 4 (PROTEC) campaign was held on September 2 at the Church of St Anthony.

Myanmar’s Cardinal Bo calls for ecological justice

Myanmar's Cardinal Charles Maung Bo has called for ecological justice as Pope Francis plans to publish a second Laudato Sì’ (praise be to you,) next month.

COP26: Pope’s call for ecological conversion rooted in common good

Nicholas Fitzpatrick of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development talks about the contribution of Pope Francis and of other religious leaders at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference.