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Celebrating Easter with Holy Trinity Church English Sunday School families

Going along with the theme of Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang—“The Family that prays together stays together”, the English Sunday School...

Adakah Yesus benar-benar telah pergi ke neraka untuk menyelamatkan jiwa-jiwa?

Dalam Kredo Para Rasul bahasa Inggeris, kita membuat pengakuan bahawa Yesus “descended into hell” (turun ke dalam neraka). Kenapakah Yesus pergi ke neraka?

Ukraine celebrates Easter in the shadow of war

Worshippers in churches observing Easter according to the Julian calendar gather across Ukraine to celebrate Christ's resurrection amid...

Sambutan ‘Easter Fun 2024’ di Gereja St Ann, Kota Padawan

Hari Paska merupakan hari untuk merayakan kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus daripada kematian, yang disambut oleh seluruh umat Kristian kerana...

Did Jesus actually go to hell to save souls?

In the Apostles' Creed we profess that Jesus "descended into hell." Why did Jesus go to hell? Aren't souls in hell separated from God for...

What is Divine Mercy Sunday?

Divine Mercy Sunday is a name for the second Sunday in the Easter season. For many centuries, the Second Sunday of Easter was nicknamed...