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Tag: Divine Mercy

Kongres Kerahiman Ilahi Nasional III Indonesia

Kongres Nasional (KONGNAS) III Komuniti Kerasulan Kerahiman Ilahi di Indonesia telah dihadiri seramai 670 orang peserta, termasuk uskup, paderi, religius dan peserta pelayanan Kerahiman Ilahi dari setiap daerah dan juga luar negara.

Divine Mercy Apostolate responds to call for corporal and spiritual works of mercy

KUCHING — Over 80 members from the Divine Mercy Apostolate and Padre Pio Divine Mercy Centre, together with family and friends, journeyed to Kampung Subang, Kota Padawan, on 1 May 2019.

Pope Francis: Divine Mercy is found in Christ’s wounds

VATICAN CITY — On Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis reflected on Christ’s wounds, which he said contain the difficulties and persecutions endured by people who suffer today.

Divine Mercy Sunday: Mercy for Doubters

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Father, I have horrible doubts. Sometimes, I wonder if God exists. Sometimes, I think that He’s not concerned about me.

Divine Mercy Crusades marches on

DIVINE MERCY CRUSADES MARCH ON ... The Divine Mercy Crusade of St Theresa’s Parish, Serian launched in February, continued to march on. On 9 April, a Holy Year Seminar with the theme “Divine Mercy...
