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Tag: Divine Mercy

DMA brings Christmas joy to the poor and elderly

Members of DMA (Divine Mercy Apostolate), Kuching reached out to 35 needy families of Kampung Sungei Apong on 9 December 2023 in...



St Peter’s Church welcomes back daily Divine Mercy Devotion

After a hiatus, the daily Divine Mercy Devotion (DMD) at St Peter’s Church has resumed at 3.00 pm on 5 October 2023, the Feast Day of St...

Misa Kerahiman Ilahi dirayakan di seluruh Asia

“Jika Yesus tanya kita, adakah anda menyayangi saya?” merupakan soalan yang diajukan oleh Friar Don Don Ramerez, OFM dalam homili beliau...

Empowered youths gather in February

The EMPOWERED Ministry held two youth gatherings in the month February on Friday nights in St James Room of the Cathedral Parish Centre.

Kerahiman Ilahi di Paroki Gereja Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sri Aman

Pelayanan Belia Paroki (PYM) Gereja Our Lady Queen of Peace di sini telah menganjurkan program kebaktian Kerahiman Ilahi pada 28 Mei lalu.
