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Tag: Discernment of Spirits



Spiritual formation on the “Greater Discernment of Spirits”

On the morning of 17 August 2024, a spiritual formation on the “Greater Discernment of Spirits” took place at the Mater Domini Auditorium...

Formasi Paska menyelami ‘Kepekaan terhadap Roh-Roh’

Hampir 190 individu memenuhi auditorium Mater Domini di ACCPC bagi Formasi Paska tentang ‘Kepekaan terhadap Roh-Roh’ yang dipimpin oleh Fr...



Easter Formation delves into the “Discernment of Spirits”

Nearly 190 individuals filled the Mater Domini auditorium at ACCPC for an Easter Formation on the “Discernment of Spirits”, led by Fr...

Recollection on Discernment of Spirits

A recollection on Discernment of Spirits was held at the Mater Domini Auditorium, Archdiocesan Curia and Cathedral Pastoral Centre (ACCPC) on 19 October.
