Tag: Diocese of Sibu
Pelancaran Proses Sinodal di Keuskupan Sibu
Keuskupan Sibu telah membentuk Pasukan Fasilitator Proses Sinodal selepas melancarkan Proses Sinodal di Katedral Sacred Heart (SHC) pada 21 November 2021.
Launch of Synodal Process in the Diocese of Sibu
Sibu Diocese formed Synodal Process Facilitators Team after launching the Synodal Process at Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) on 21 Nov 2021.
Sacred Heart Cathedral in Sibu hands out Good Friday crucifixes via drive-thru in lieu...
Sacred Heart Cathedral here provided a drive-through for Catholics to receive small crucifixes this evening as there is no Good Friday service this year, unlike previous years.
Old boys get new sound system for Sacred Heart School
Former students of Sacred Heart School chipped in to upgrade the near two-decade old sound system at the school hall in the third of a series of ongoing events to mark the school’s 120th anniversary.
Sibu Diocese to focus on Creation and Sacraments for the next seven years
A decade of Creation Justice for the Diocese of Sibu from 2017 to 2026 has been announced.
Bishop calls for conversion of hearts
Catholic Bishop of Sibu, Right Reverend Joseph Hii, calls for conversion of hearts to start caring for and protect the earth from further destruction.