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古晋总教区、诗巫和美里教区以及文莱宗座代牧区的圣职人员于 5 月 13 日至 17 日聚首于 格盟央的诗巫教区牧灵中心...

Sarawak and Brunei Clergy Annual Retreat 2024

The Presbyteria from the Archdiocese of Kuching, the Dioceses of Sibu and Miri, and also the Apostolic Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam...

Life in the Spirit Seminar 2024: A Transformative Experience in Sibu, Sarawak

From 17–19 May 2024, the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Sibu, Sarawak, hosted a profoundly impactful Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS).

Kuching and Sibu hold Engagement Sessions on Synod of Bishops Synthesis Report

The Archdiocese of Kuching on 16 March 2024, held a Synod Engagement Session at the ACCPC, Kuching to address the Synod of Bishops...

Bishop Hii calls upon Catholics of Sibu to be Great Dreamers

More than 2,500 parishioners gathered for the Chrism Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral tonight, bearing witness to the renewal of Priestly Vows.

Catholics in Sibu pay tribute to the late Fr Thomas O’Connor

Some 1,000 faithful attended a Requiem Mass for the late Revd Thomas O’Connor at Sacred Heart Cathedral yesterday (March 5).