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Tag: Diocese of Miri

2024 年美里聖若瑟堂區華語主日學 『誰是兇手』生活營


Restoring Hope to Instil Hope

On 19 July 2024, some 220 Catholics from Bintulu, Miri, Sebauh, Kuching and Kuala Lumpur gathered in Bintulu for a 3-day conference with...

“Who’s The Murderer?”: Chinese Sunday School Survival Camp

The 3-day stay-in survival camp for St Joseph's Parish Chinese Sunday School students with the striking theme “Who’s The Murderer” began...

Seminar Kehidupan Dalam Roh Kudus bagi Kanak-kanak

Seminar Kehidupan Dalam Roh Kudus bagi Kanak-kanak anjuran Sekolah Minggu Paroki St Dominic and the Rosary (SDRC), yang berlangsung pada...

Celebrating World Children’s Day at St Joseph’s Parish, Miri

This year, Pope Francis has declared the Catholic Church’s first World Children’s Day on Trinity Sunday weekend which fell on 25–26 May.


古晋总教区、诗巫和美里教区以及文莱宗座代牧区的圣职人员于 5 月 13 日至 17 日聚首于 格盟央的诗巫教区牧灵中心...