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Tag: Diaconate Ordinations

Called to love, serve and heal

Seminarian George Vaithynathan was ordained a transitional deacon on August 17 at the Church of the Sacred Heart.

Dua Seminarian melangkah dengan iman untuk menjadi Diakon

Pada 2014, dua pemuda telah mengambil langkah iman, walaupun sudah sekian lama bekerja, untuk menyahut “panggilan” dan...



Seminarians Davie and Henry took “a leap of faith”, now newly ordained Deacons

In 2014, two young men despite having experienced working life, took “a leap of faith” in response to “a calling” and entered St Peter’s College Kota Kinabalu, Sabah to begin their Initiation year to priesthood.

Archdiocese of Kuching to welcome 2 new Deacons

Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh will ordain two new Deacons at separate ceremonies that will be live - streamed to the general public.

Michel Dass ordained as a transitional deacon

The Transitional Diaconate Ordination of Seminarian Michel Dass was held at the Archbishop’s Chapel, Cardijn House, on 11 September.
