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Tag: Creation Justice

Uskup Malaysia bersatu dengan janji untuk mewujudkan ekologi di kesemua keuskupan

Kesemua sembilan uskup agung dan uskup Malaysia telah menandatangani ikrar untuk menjadikan keuskupan mereka ekologikal di Persidangan...

Malaysian Bishops unite to pledge making all dioceses ecological

All nine Malaysian Arch/Bishops today signed pledges to make their dioceses ecological dioceses, at the Catholic Bishops Conference in...

PROTEC Year 4 & Season of Creation 2023: Cut Fuel Consumption and Let Justice...

The sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sounded a Code Red warning to humankind in 2022. We are due to hit 1.5°C of warming...

Planting mangroves – baby steps towards decarbonisation

The Creation Justice Commission (CJC) of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur organised a Mangrove Plantation activity at the Kuala Selangor...