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Tag: Covid-19

“Kisah kami dengan COVID-19 yang berbahaya”

Dalam rencana ini, Donald dan Marina Tan menceritakan secara terperinci tentang pengalaman mereka selama sebulan selepas dijangkiti Covid-19.



“Our brush with the deadly COVID-19”

In this feature, husband-and-wife duo Donald and Marina Tan share a detailed one-month experience of the virus—from their first encounter in late April to hospital discharge in late May.

Covid-19: The Current Situation in Malaysia and the Churches’ Response

An informative video on the current situation in Malaysia and the Churches' response by Dato Dr Amar Singh.

Amidst Covid-19, KCM moves on!

No lockdown nor pandemic has barred Kuching Campus Ministry to hold its new committee election and its welcoming gathering.

Youth volunteering at vaccination centres

St Therese of Lisieux reminds us that “nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love.” Volunteering is a way to demonstrate our love for our neighbours.