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Tag: Christmas

Pope at Christmas Urbi et Orbi: ‘The Lord’s birth is the birth of peace’

Offering his Christmas greetings from the central loggia of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis gave his customary Christmas Day message and "Urbi et Orbi" blessing.

Pope to Curia: ‘Be vigilant, evil comes back under new guises’

Exchanging traditional Christmas greetings with members of the Roman Curia on Thursday, Pope Francis delivered a seven-point speech in...

Vatican hosts ‘digital Synod’ Christmas celebration for Catholic influencers

The initiative "The Church listens to you" took place on Saturday, 17 December, inviting digital evangelizers and hundreds of young people...

Pope invites us to learn 2 values from Christmas tree and crib

On December 3, Pope Francis thanked those who donated and worked to bring about the Vatican’s Christmas displays, both in St. Peter’s...

Pope: ‘Celebrate Christmas with people of Ukraine in our hearts’

At the conclusion of the General Audience, Pope Francis calls on everyone to renew our closeness to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who...

Pope: We must rediscover the true richness of Christmas

Addressing the delegations from Sutrio, Rosello and Guatemala, who have gifted this year's tree and nativity scenes in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis draws attention to the true meaning of Christmas.