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Tag: Christmas

Pope: May Christmas bring peace to our world and turn sorrow into joy

In his Christmas message at the midday "Urbi et Orbi" blessing on Christmas Day, Pope Francis speaks of how the Child Jesus reveals God's tender love for each one of us, which brings about "the joy that consoles hearts....

Nativity scene teaches simplicity and joy, Pope says at Audience

In his final General Audience before Christmas, Pope Francis returned to the image of the creche, and specifically, the first Nativity...

Pope celebrates 87th birthday, asks Christians to celebrate Jesus’ birth

As well-wishes pour in for his birthday, Pope Francis encourages Christians to prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus at...

Bishop Danald: Religious leaders can be trusted to promote truth, justice

Religious leaders can be trusted to promote truth and justice, said the Rt Revd Datuk Danald Jute. The Association of Churches...

Eco-friendly Yuletide sparkle: White Cat Garden lights up Kuching’s Christmas with tyre Santa and...

The White Cat Garden of Kuching lit up with a unique installation of Christmas tree and Santa in conjunction with the Christmas celebrations.

Christmas carol gathering enters MBOR for largest gathering of its kind in M’sia

The ‘A Christmas Carol, Sarawak in Diversity’ event at Padang Merdeka has made it into the Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) for the largest Christmas carol gathering in the country.