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Celebrating Christmas in Harmony

In the spirit of giving and interfaith harmony, the annual Christmas Day open house at the Archdiocesan Curia and Catholic Pastoral Centre (ACCPC) welcomed parishioners, lay organisation members and invited guests to a hearty Christmas lunch buffet.

Pope Francis’ Christmas Urbi et Orbi Message 2019

"The Father has given him to us with great mercy. He has given him to everyone. He has given him forever. The Son is born, like a small light flickering in the cold and darkness of the night."

Family Bloc Rosary holds annual house-to-house carolling

Family Bloc Rosary Mother of Mercy (Kampung Tabuan Dayak), which is under the charge of Holy Trinity Parish Kenyalang Park, held its annual house-to-house carolling from 14-19 December.

Carolers bring the spirit of Christmas to their families

The carolling teams from St. Theresa’s Parish started the Christmas house-to-house carolling from December 15 throughout Serian.

Sabah, this year Christmas Eve is a public holiday

The government of the State of Sabah (in northern Borneo) has established that 24 December will be a public holiday, to allow those celebrating Christmas to return to their homes.

LC of Kuching City and Leos bring Christmas joy to GROWTH members and their...

The Lions Club of Kuching City, together with the Ministry of GROWTH (Grow With The Handicapped), a St Joseph’s Cathedral-based ministry, celebrated their joint annual Christmas Party on Saturday, 7 December