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First bishop of Lüliang consecrated, in accordance with China-Holy See agreement

“Desiring to promote the pastoral care of the Lord’s flock and more effectively attend to its spiritual good,” Pope Francis has decided...

Pope’s weekly General Audiences to include Mandarin Chinese

"Next week, with the beginning of Advent, the summary of the catechesis at the General Audience will also be translated into Chinese."...

Being a priest in China is difficult, but he’s not afraid

Xiaolong Wang, known as Felipe, is a seminarian from the Archdiocese of Beijing (China) who is currently studying in Spain to become a...

Pope: ‘Chinese Catholics bear witness to faith in charity and mercy’

Pope Francis recalls the 100th anniversary of the Concilium Sinense in Shanghai, and encourages Chinese Catholics to testify to their...

China: Consecration of the new bishop of Shaowu

Fr. Pietro Wu Yishun has been consecrated as the new Bishop of Shaowu (Minbei) in the Chinese province of Fujian...

Card Chow: May all Chinese Catholics pray in the same place one day

May all Chinese brothers and sisters "pray one day together in the same place,” said Card Stephen Chow at the end of the Eucharistic...