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Tag: Children

Pope to Clinton Global Initiative: Children and climate must both be protected

Pope Francis addresses the Clinton Global Initiative through a live video call, and invites people of goodwill to seek the common good...

Pope Francis prays for children suffering in Ukraine

As Christmas approaches next Sunday, Pope Francis recalled the many children of Ukraine who will be unable to celebrate the birth of...

Pope Francis prays for victims of ‘mad act of violence’ in Thailand as mourning...

Pope Francis on Sunday, October 9, assured the people of Thailand of his prayers over the tragic killing of 36 people — 24 of them children...

“A million children praying the Rosary” campaign for peace

The annual initiative on October 18 is organized by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), a pontifical foundation.

Malaysia falls short on protecting children’s rights

A webinar on The Protection and Promotion of Children's Rights was hosted by the Professional Standards Office (PSO) of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur’s Committee for Child Protection (CCP) on 14 August.

Way of the Cross meditations written by children: Jesus calms our fears

Pope Francis has entrusted the preparation of the meditations for this year's Good Friday Way of the Cross to the Agesci Scout Group “Foligno I” (Umbria) and the Roman Parish of Santi Matiri di Uganda (Holy Martyrs of Uganda).