Tag: Chapel of Mother Mary (CMM)
CMM Stutong ushers in Year of the Tiger with Holy Mass
Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong celebrated Chinese New Year 2022 with a Combined Mass on Tuesday, 1 February 2022 at 9.00 am.
Chapel Bonda Maria, Stutong, lancar ‘Ikrar 1 Juta Doa Rosari’
Jemaat paroki yang menghadiri perayaan Misa Hari Tahun Baharu 2022 di Chapel Bonda Maria, Stutong, menyaksikan pelancaran Fasa Kedua ‘Ikrar 1 Juta Doa Rosari’.
23 pelajar Sekolah Minggu Online Chapel Bonda Maria terima Komuni Kudus Pertama
Hari Minggu, 9 Januari 2022, menandakan satu lagi acara penting di Chapel Bonda Maria, Stutong, di mana 23 kanak-kanak menerima Komuni Kudus Pertama mereka
Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong unveils “1 Million Rosary Prayers Pledge”
This “1 Million Rosary Prayers Pledge” is for the purpose of building the new Mother Mary Church, Stutong.
23 CMM Sunday School students receive FHC after a year of online classes
Sunday, 9 January 2022 marked another important event at the Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong where 23 children, accompanied by their parents or guardians, received their first Holy Communion...
Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong celebrates Christmas Day Mass 2021
At the Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong, two masses were celebrated during Christmas Day, morning mass and evening mass.