For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission
We, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei are grateful to launch locally in every diocese, the XVI ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS, October 2023.
Regional Bishops to issue pastoral letter for Synod launch
The next Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October 2023, will not only be celebrated in the Vatican but in each Church of the five continents.
Stability in times of Uncertainty
The Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei (CBCMSB) opted for stability in the election of their office bearers at their recently concluded Conference.
CBCMSB launches website
"We wish to be a sharing and listening church, drawing close to you …" (Bishop Sebastian Francis, President, CBCMSB)
Buku nyanyian rohani serantau baharu dikeluarkan
Persidangan Uskup-Uskup Katolik Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunei (CBCMSB) mengendos edisi pindaan bagi buku nyanyian Sing Your Praise to God (2021) sebagai Buku Nyanyian Katolik rasmi untuk rantau ini pada 2 Februari 2021.
Sing Your Praise to God: Updated hymnal
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (CBCMSB) endorsed the revised edition of Sing Your Praise to God (2021) as the official Catholic Hymnal for this region on Feb 2, 2021.