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Malaysia Day 2024: Message from Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia (CBCM)

For Malaysia Day, as Malaysian citizens, beyond slogans and words, let us sincerely join hands and work for nation building, to be truly one people of Malaysia...

Archbishop Simon Poh calls public to remain prudent, not jump to conclusion following Kuching...

Malaysian Catholic Bishops' Conference president Archbishop Dr Simon Poh is calling for the public to remain prudent and not jump to any...

Minggu Solidariti Palestine: CBCM “greatly disturbed” by MOE Circular

The Catholic Church in Malaysia is greatly disturbed by the Ministry of Education circular dated 21st October 2023, instructing schools to organise Minggu Solidariti Palestine

Pelantikan baharu: Presiden Persidangan Uskup berkongsi renungan

Kedua-dua presiden yang baharu dipilih bagi Persidangan Uskup Katolik Malaysia-Singapura-Brunei (CBCMSB) dan Persidangan Uskup Katolik...

New Appointments: Bishops’ Conference Presidents share Reflections

The new President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei (CBCMSB), and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia (CBCM)...

Attending Mass: Lifting of Dispensation with effect from Palm Sunday 2023

We remind ourselves once again, “the Lord’s Day, on which the paschal mystery is celebrated, is by apostolic tradition to be observed in the universal Church as a primary holy day of obligation” (CIC 1246 §1).