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Tag: Catholic Welfare Services

CWS Home of Peace: Rumah warga emas memerlukan sokongan anda

Dalam satu temu ramah dengan Sister Ursula Lian, Matron Rumah, beliau menyuarakan rasa terkejut kerana selepas 12 tahun, ramai orang yang masih tidak tahu tentang kewujudan Rumah itu.



CWS Home of Peace: Home for the elderly needs your support

The Home of Peace located at Jalan Landeh 10th Mile, Kota Padawan, is a Home for the elderly built by the Catholic Welfare Services Council Sarawak (CWS).

Uskup Agung Simon Poh mohon sumbangan dana kepada Catholic Welfare Services

Uskup Agung Kuching Simon Poh, dalam homili beliau pada Ahad Palma, menyeru kepada semua orang untuk mematuhi arahan kerajaan agar “duduk di rumah”.



Archbishop Simon Poh makes plea to top-up Catholic Welfare Services fund

The Archbishop of Kuching Archdiocese Simon Poh, in his 5 April Palm Sunday homily, called on everyone to heed the directive of the government to “stay at home”.
