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Tag: Catholic Nurses Guild

St Stephen’s 2024 Parish Sale

The St Stephen’s Church compound came alive with parishioners from the 49 churches who came in a show of unity to this year’s Parish Sale...

Catholic Nurses Guild of Sandakan advocates for Blood Donation Campaign

On 17 March 2024, the Sandakan Catholic Nurses Guild (CNG), together with the Parish Pastoral Council of St. Mary’s Cathedral Sandakan and...

Jururawat dan pengamal perubatan antarabangsa menghadiri Kongres Dunia XX CICIAMS

Jawatankuasa Jururawat dan Pembantu Sosial Perubatan Katolik Antarabangsa (CICIAMS) telah mengadakan Kongres Dunia Ke-20 di Kuching pada 4 hingga 7 September lalu, yang dihoskan oleh Catholic Nurses Guild Malaysia.

Nurses congregated for their 20th World Congress in Kuching

The International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medical Social Assistants (CICIAMS) held its 20th World Congress in Kuching from 4 to 7 September, hosted by the Catholic Nurses Guild of Malaysia.
