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Tag: Catholic Church

An inside look at the Mass

The Mass explained from the inside out: this was the unique experience of some 120 plus parishioners who filled the Church of Divine Mercy for A Walk-through Mass recently.

Pope: Teachings of women Doctors of Church offer light and hope to our world

In a message to participants in an international conference on Women Doctors of the Church and Co-Patronesses of the Europe, Pope Francis says the teachings...

Pope Francis: ‘Forgiveness is a human right’

Pope Francis appears on the Italian television programme “Che tempo che fa” for a conversation with host Fabio Fazio.

Pope on Synod: The participation of everyone, guided by the Holy Spirit

Pope Francis leads a moment of reflection in the Vatican, ahead of the solemn inauguration of the Synod on Sunday with a Holy Mass in St Peter’s Basilica.

COVID-19: Apakah pendirian dan ajaran Gereja Katolik tentang vaksinasi?

Media sosial riuh sekarang tentang vaksin yang diluluskan dan sekarang disediakan bagi COVID-19. Bagaimanapun, perkara paling utama dalam fikiran ramai orang Katolik adalah isu-isu moral dan etika berhubung vaksinasi.

COVID-19: What is the stance and teaching of the Catholic Church on vaccination?

The Catholic position is that vaccination is a moral good and the moral principle with regard to vaccinations is that it “depends not only on the duty to protect one’s own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good.”