Tag: Catechists
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
There has been a leap forward in catechising children as young as three years old by some churches in Malaysia in the adoption of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) since 2013.
Katekis terima Sijil Penghargaan pada Hari Minggu Kateketikal
Pada tahun ini, Hari Minggu Kateketikal disambut pada 19 Januari lepas dengan tema ‘Cari, Kenali, Kongsi Kristus’. Pada asasnya, ini bermakna kita mesti sentiasa mencari Yesus Kristus, membina hubungan yang intim dan kemudian berkongsi Kristus, terutamanya dengan mereka yang belum lagi mengenaliNya, tetapi mungkin mempunyai keinginan untuk berbuat demikian.
Catechists receive Certificates of Appreciation on Catechetical Sunday
This year, Catechetical Sunday was celebrated on 19 January with the theme “Seek, Know, Share Christ.” Essentially, this means that one has to continuously seek Jesus Christ, develop an intimate relationship and then share Christ.