Tag: Carmelite
Kuching Carmel elects new Council
On 13 January 2025, the Carmelite Sisters of Kuching Carmel held their election after a morning of adoration of the Holy Eucharist and exhortation by Archbishop Simon Poh
Invitation to meet the Carmelite Nuns
SOLEMNITY OF ST. TERESA OF JESUS (AVILA)Meeting with Carmelite Nuns of Kuching
Date: 15th October 2023 (Sunday)Venue: Carmelite Monastery, Kuching (Visitor’s Parlour)Time: 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm
Activities: 1. Meeting with Carmelite Nuns, to know more...
Carmelite Sr. Conception goes home to the Lord, aged 81
Carmelite Sr Conception of the Holy Family, aged 81, passed on peacefully in Kuching Carmelite Monastery on Saturday, 11 June 2022 at 2.30pm.
Carmelite nuns elect new Prioress and Councillors
The Carmelite nuns of the Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary elected a new Council for the next 3-year term on 23 December 2021, presided by Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh.
In the midst of pandemic, a Carmelite sister makes her simple profession
Sr Teresa of Jesus, 33, made her simple Profession during the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Eucharist Celebration Nov 14...
Biarawati Carmelite meraikan Jubli Intan Konsekrasi Religius
Biara Carmelite Hati Tanpa Noda Dosa Maria merayakan ulang tahun ke-60 Ikrar Religius Sister Mary John of the Cross pada 8 Disember lalu.