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Tag: Caritas Malaysia

Caritas Malaysia reinforces commitment to Safeguarding at National Assembly

Caritas Malaysia National Assembly was held at Pace Bene, FSIC Centre for Spiritual Formation from 12–15 November with one of the key...

Caritas Malaysia strengthens disaster preparedness through capacity-building training initiative

As part of its continuous mission to serve the vulnerable, Caritas Malaysia is now focussing on enhancing its capacity to respond...

3rd Caritas Malaysia National Assembly: ‘Union of Minds and Hearts’

The 3rd Caritas Malaysia National Assembly with the theme Union of Minds and Hearts united the members of Caritas of nine dioceses of...

CARITAS organises Disaster Response Training

A training on Disaster Response was held in St Louis Church, Kluang on 19 July 2023 organised by Caritas Malacca Johore Diocese Office of Human Development (Caritas MJDOHD).

Fr Fabian Dicom appointed National Director for Caritas Malaysia

He will be accountable to the Bishop President and is a member of the CM Board. He will serve CM full time, for a 5-year term as the Bishop President's delegate.

New Executive Secretary for Caritas Malaysia

Diocesan Director of Caritas Sibu, Eta Ting Ming Na, has been appointed Executive Secretary for Caritas Malaysia, effective February 26.
