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Tag: Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez

Legasi Kardinal pertama Malaysia untuk generasi muda

Legasi kardinal pertama Malaysia yang bersejarah telah dihimpun dan ditulis dalam sebuah buku bertajuk, The Cardinal: The Life and Times...

Keeping alive the legacy of Cardinal Soter

The legacy of Malaysia’s first cardinal has been written in to the annals of history in a book titled, The Cardinal: The Life and Times...

Cardinal Soter lived the joy of the Gospel and left a monumental legacy

After a visit to Cardinal Soter Fernandez at the St Francis Xavier’s Home for the Elderly run by the Little Sisters of the Poor earlier this year, we chatted outside the front door while waiting for my taxi to arrive.

First Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church in Malaysia has passed away, aged 88

His Eminence, Anthony Soter Cardinal Fernandez, Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur has peacefully passed on at 12.35 pm at the St Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly (Little Sisters of the Poor).
