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Cardinal Bo bids farewell: ‘We have forged a legacy’

Myanmar's Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon has issued a farewell message as he concludes his second three-year term as the President...

Pope at Mass on Immaculate Conception: True richness lies in a heart open to...

On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis celebrates Mass with the 21 new Cardinals and challenges the faithful to look...

“Saat sukacita bagi gereja-gereja kecil di rantau ini”

“Dengan memutuskan untuk melantik Uskup Cornelius Sim, Bapa Suci Paus Francis menunjukkan solidariti beliau dengan Gereja di pinggiran,” kata Msgr Marco Sprizzi, selaku wakil duta di kedutaan Vatikan di Kuala Lumpur.

Brunei Bishop thanks Pope for “choosing someone from the peripheries”

Bishop Cornelius Sim, the Apostolic Vicar of Brunei, is among the 13 new cardinals Pope Francis announced on October 25. He will make them cardinals at a consistory in the Vatican on November 28.

“A moment of rejoicing for the little Churches in the region”

“By deciding to name Bishop Cornelius Sim, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, is expressing his solidarity with the Church in the peripheries,” said Msgr Marco Sprizzi, the charge d’affaires at the Vatican embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
