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Tag: Brunei

ECMI adopts new approach in its ministry

The ECMI (Episcopal Commission for Migrant and Itinerants) has adopted a new approach in its ministry across the region of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei.

Cardinal Sim: Brunei Church has something to share with older Churches

According to newly-created Cardinal Cornelius Sim of Brunei, young Catholic communities, such as his, could have something to share with Churches in traditionally Christian countries about how to live the faith, without drawing attention.

Brunei Bishop thanks Pope for “choosing someone from the peripheries”

Bishop Cornelius Sim, the Apostolic Vicar of Brunei, is among the 13 new cardinals Pope Francis announced on October 25. He will make them cardinals at a consistory in the Vatican on November 28.

Catholics celebrate 50th anniversary of Church of Our Lady of Assumption

The Catholic community of Church of Our Lady of Assumption, Brunei, filled the church to its capacity as they gathered for the Thanksgiving Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
