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Tag: Brother Columba Gleeson


那是八年前2016年2月3日傍晚,柯伦巴·格里森修士(Br Columba Gleeson)在爱尔兰波特劳伊斯卡斯尔敦逝世的噩讯传到砂朥越,距他的81岁生日只差一个半月。

Br Columba Gleeson: An icon of St Joseph’s School, Kuching

It was eight years ago when the sad news of the passing of Br Columba Gleeson in Castletown, Portlaoise, Ireland reached the shores of Sarawak in the early evening of 3 February 2016, which...

With love and gratitude from the bottom of our hearts

“I am not leaving Sarawak I am taking her with me.” I remember those words from the late Brother Columba before he left for Ireland after 40 years of Christ-like witnessing among the last,...

A tribute to Brother Columba Gleeson – by St Joseph’s Board of Management

We come together this morning to honour the late Br Columba Gleeson who, from 1970 till early 1988, was Principal of this School. During those years he stood on this famous stage in this...

A tribute to Brother Columba Gleeson – by Old Josephians

The late Columba James Gleeson or more popularly remembered as Brother Columba among his many former students, colleagues and friends, has left an indelible mark in the education and sporting landscapes in Sarawak. As a...

A Tribute to Brother Columba – by Today’s Catholic

Brother Columba was instrumental in the establishment of Today’s Catholic. He was one of the founding members of Today’s Catholic where the newspaper was his brainchild, initially as a bulletin for St Joseph’s Cathedral...
