Tag: Blessing
Triple blessings to welcome the new year
It was indeed a triple blessing to welcome the new year when St Michael’s Penampang parish reached another milestone on its infrastructure...
Blessing of new Cross at Holy Family Chapel, ACCPC
After the renovation of the Holy Family Chapel at ACCPC, the existing Cross was replaced with a new Cross.
Blessing of Sacred Heart Parish Office and Rectory
KOTA SENTOSA — The Sacred Heart Parish Office and Rectory, located at Lot 944, Jalan Liu Shan Bang at Kota Sentosa was blessed by Archbishop Simon Poh on 26 May 2022, after celebrating Ascension...
古晋圣德莉萨中学管理团队与学校董事会主席郝国训(Thomas Huo)、家教协会主席陈金珠(Christina Tan) 和校长玛丽· 若望(Mary John)一同出席并见证了于2021年3月25日学校新行政和教室大楼的祝福仪式。
Blok Pentadbiran dan Bilik Kelas Sekolah St Teresa yang baharu diberkati
Uskup Agung Kuching Simon Poh, yang diiringi Fr Galvin Richard Ngumbang dan Fr Benard Jim Bujang, memimpin upacara pemberkatan pada jam 11.00 pagi.