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Tag: Blessing

Blessing and Official Opening of St James Bitikie Church

The St James Bitikie Church community in Tanjung Poting, Singai came out in full force to witness the blessing and official opening of...

Pemberkatan Gereja Baru St Mathew, Meruji oleh Uskup Agung Kuching

Tanggal 19 Ogos 2023 merupakan hari yang penuh bersejarah dan kesyukuran khususnya bagi umat Katolik di Meruji Kabo kerana mereka telah...

Why growing older may be the greatest blessing of all

Old age is the moment when the truth of our lives resurfaces. We become truly ourselves. We come up against our physical limitations like...

Gereja baharu Kampung Suba, Paroki St Stephen Bau

Komuniti Katolik Kampung Suba Bau pada 16 Julai 2023 yang bersejarah merayakan Misa Pemberkatan bagi gereja baharu, Gereja Mary Immaculate Conception oleh Uskup Agung Kuching, Simon Poh.

Embracing Grace: Blessing of St Bernadette of Lourdes Chapel, SK St Teresa

The blessing of the new St Bernadette of Lourdes Chapel at SK St Teresa, Kuching on 20 July 2023 was a special day filled with joy and reverence.

St Stephen’s Parish builds new Church in Kampung Suba Bau

On 16 July 2023, the Catholic community of Kampung Suba Bau witnessed the blessing of their new Church, Mary Immaculate Conception...