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Tag: Blessed Virgin Mary

A tribute to the late Fr John G as Lectio Mary concludes

What an Upper Room experience! The Holy Spirit, who rained down on Pentecost in the Upper Room, came to us this evening as we concluded the Lectio Bible Study on Mary.

Pope: Virgin Mary encapsulates mystery of Incarnate Word of God

Pope Francis sends a message to participants in a Vatican-promoted Mariological conference, and invites Christians to find consolation and hope in the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Son, Jesus Christ.

Kenapakah Mei dipanggil ‘Bulan Maria’?

Dalam kalangan umat Katolik, Mei paling dikenali sebagai ‘Bulan Maria’, bulan untuk menjalankan kebaktian khusus dan memberi penghormatan kepada Perawan Maria.

Why is May called “Mary’s Month”?

Among Catholics, May is most well-known as “Mary’s Month,” a specific month of the year when special devotions are performed in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Paus gesa umat Katolik berdoa rosari di tengah-tengah “ancaman yang sedang menjelma”

Sempena hari raya Santa Perawan Ratu Rosari baru-baru ini, Paus Francis telah menggesa umat Katolik untuk menyebut doa Maria, terutamanya di tengah-tengah “ancaman yang gelap kepada dunia”, seperti pandemik.

Pope urges Catholics to pray the rosary amid “looming threats”

Holding his Wednesday General Audience on the feast of the Our Lady of the Rosary, 7 October, the Pope shared his thoughts on the Marian prayer.
