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Tag: Blessed Virgin Mary

Custos of the Holy Land praises Mary as model of peace

On the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Custos of the Holy Land, Father Francesco Patton, leads Mass at the...

Pope Francis invokes Mary for the peace that comes from Christ

Pope Francis pays a special visit to the Basilica of St. Mary Major for the liturgical commemoration of the dedication of the papal...

Perarakan Vigili Perawan Bonda Maria

Pada 17 Mei lalu (Jumaat), Paroki Santa Anna telah mengadakan Misa Kudus yang diikuti dengan Perarakan Vigili Perawan Bonda Maria.

India: First-ever live display of 111 Marian apparitions held in Bengaluru

On March 17, "Maria Divina – 111 Shades of Grace” went on display at St. Thomas Forane Church and Diocesan Pilgrim Centre, Dharmaram...

Rekoleksi Kebaktian Sejati kepada Perawan Maria

Seramai 700 orang peserta telah menyertai Rekoleksi Kebaktian Sejati kepada Perawan Maria (True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary) pada...

The miracle of roses that happened on December 12

The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe recalls the day when St. Juan Diego presented his tilma full of roses to the local bishop.