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Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church

Easter Vigil Mass: 21 RCIA Elects receive Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation

21 Elects from the 2022/2023 RCIA classes completed the Rites of Initiation at the Easter Vigil on 8 April 2023 at Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC.

Teaching on power of the Holy Spirit a big ‘eye opener’ for seminar participants

Baptised and confirmed at the Easter Vigil just two weeks previously, these neophytes (new converts) were among the 60 plus participants who registered for the LSS organised by the Emmaus Servant Community.

Sunday School brings back Stations of the Cross to commemorate Good Friday

The Stations of the Cross is an annual event organised by the Blessed Sacrament Church Sunday School on Good Friday.


古晋圣体堂华文主日学在阔别 3年的疫情后,首次举办一年一次的锡盖山拜苦路活动。这项富有意义的拜苦路活动受到家长和学生的踊跃参与,约百余位报名参加。


天主教会 2月22日星期三举行圣灰礼仪,神父在弥撒中以圣枝的灰烬撒点在教徒头顶上,意义是提醒信友要悔改及信从福音;及要记住人原来是土,后来仍要归于土。


古晋总教区司铎职务调动于 2023年正月1日生效,数堂区陆续举行本堂就职及职责移交仪式。