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Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church

Tujuh rohaniwati Fransiskan rai jubli intan, emas dan perak

Gereja Blessed Sacrament di sini dipenuhi rohaniwati, keluarga dan rakan-rakan mereka yang telah datang untuk menyertai tujuh rohaniwati...

Franciscan Sisters celebrate Diamond, Golden and Silver Jubilees

The Blessed Sacrament Church was filled with Sisters, families and friends who came to join seven Sisters from the Sisters of St Francis...

Forum: Kindling Christian Hope in Uncertain Times: The Role of Christians in Nation-building

The Social and Political Awareness Ministry (SAPAM) of Blessed Sacrament Church held a one-day Forum entitled “Kindling Christian Hope in...


古晋圣体堂青年团于十月二日主办一项题为「男与女 - 说好的幸福呢?」的讲座会,吸引逾百人出席。

First Holy Communion students told the importance of Confession, Sunday Mass and Holy Communion

75 Sunday School students from Blessed Sacrament Church (English Session) received their First Holy Communion (FHC) at a Mass celebrated...

