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Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church

Experiencing God’s love at Life in the Spirit Seminar

KUCHING — For many participants at the Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) organised by Emmaus Servant Community from 5 – 7 April 2019, it was a life changing experience.

Workshop participants told battling climate change has to begin today!

KUCHING — Dangerous climate change is already happening and threatens all life on Earth. Global warming is now around one degree Celsius compared to pre-industrial times (1850-1900).

Lenten Pilgrimage – Keeping the Faith

KUCHING — The Sunday School (English & Chinese) of Blessed Sacrament Church organised their annual Lenten pilgrimage to the Catholic Memorial and Pilgrimage Centre (CMPC), Mt Singai in Bau on 23 March 2019.

Sarawak State Council, The Boys’ Brigade In Malaysia AGM

Rev. Dr. Khoo Ho Peng launched the Sarawak State Council, The Boys’ Brigade In Malaysia, inaugural theme during the 2019 AGM at Blessed Sacrament Church from 1-2 March.


