Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church
The Bible Timeline – The Story of Salvation
On 25 October 2018, 45 parishioners from Blessed Sacrament Church embarked on a biblical journey to gain a greater appreciation of the Catholic faith, and to develop a lifelong hunger for God’s Word.
Church adds Infant Care Room to ensure a prayerful atmosphere at Mass
Parents with infants or young and active children, who may at times, distract Mass proceedings with their cries, are encouraged to remain in this room.
Fr John Direk celebrates Vocation Sunday Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church
KUCHING — On 12 May 2019, Fr John Direk, the newest diocesan priest in the Archdiocese of Kuching, received a warm welcome from parishioners at the Sunday morning Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church.
KAYD19 takes their roadshow to Blessed Sacrament Church
KUCHING — The Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission took their KAYD19 roadshow to Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) on Sunday, 5 May 2019 to target the youths there after Mass.
Thousands of Catholics join in Holy Week celebrations
KUCHING — Palm Sunday marks the start of the Holy Week. It heralds the coming of the King with the blessing of palms, which symbolise the welcoming of Jesus into Jerusalem.