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Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church

Christmas Charity Chorale Concert: A Christmas Gift

The Commission for Mission and Human Development Kuching Archdiocesan Pastoral Council organised ‘A Christmas Gift’, a Christmas charity chorale concert at three venues from 26 – 29 December 2019.

Introductory talk on Physical Activity and Aging

On 22 December, an introductory talk on Physical Activity and Aging as well as Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation was held at the Blessed Sacrament Church Hall, from 2.00 - 4.30 pm.

Advent: Preparing for the Greatest Gift of All

In preparing for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) held an Advent Carol Service on 11 December.

Who are the Dominicans?

When news broke out that three Dominicans would be concelebrating a weekday mass with Blessed Sacrament Church’s rector Fr Felix Au, people were curious, at the same time excited, to see and meet them.

Confirmands told to cherish the gifts of the Holy Spirit

On 2 October, 68 Sunday School students from both the English and Chinese Level 10 class from Blessed Sacrament Church received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Archbishop Simon Poh

52 Communicants told to treasure Jesus Christ everyday of their lives

On 20 September 2019, during a special Evening Mass, 52 students of the Blessed Sacrament Church’s Sunday School Programme received their First Holy Communion from Fr Felix Au.