Tag: Blessed Sacrament Church
Lion Dance Troupe brings joy and prosperity to parishioners after Sunday Mass
On 26 January, the second day of Chinese New Year, which happened to be the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, the St Joseph’s Private School Lion Dance Troupe visited Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC.
Catechists receive Certificates of Appreciation on Catechetical Sunday
This year, Catechetical Sunday was celebrated on 19 January with the theme “Seek, Know, Share Christ.” Essentially, this means that one has to continuously seek Jesus Christ, develop an intimate relationship and then share Christ.
Fr Varghese Parackal from Perth to conduct Spiritual Healing Seminar in Kuching
A Spiritual Healing Seminar will be held at the BSC Hall, Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC from 6 – 8 March.
SEMINAR ON NATION BUILDING: Creating a brighter future for our children in Malaysia
A ‘SEMINAR ON NATION BUILDING’, organised by the Social and Political Awareness Ministry (SAPAM) will be held at the BSC Hall of Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC, on Saturday, 15 February from 8.00am – 3.00pm.
Spiritual Healing Seminar
A Spiritual Healing Seminar 'CHRIST is ALL in ALL' will be conducted from 6-8 March at the Blessed Sacrament Church hall by Fr Varghese Parackal, director of the Vincentian Retreat Centre in Perth. Fr...
Fun-filled activities at Children's Christmas party
On 22 December 2019, the Chinese Children’s Liturgy Ministry and the Chinese Sunday School Ministry of Blessed Sacrament Church jointly organised a Christmas party.